My Weekend

Weekend without money, what can I say. Just stay up in room play music and keep your hip moves la jawabnya :). Tup tup dalam feeling in the blue someone knocked up my door. Assalamualaikum…post…post from secret recipes. Haiyooo Mr.Khairul (my ex’s boss), this gentlemen appear in front of my door, fully hand with small boxes of cakes with difference flavour (actually only four, ok what banyak kan) ; all this picture taken from Google images

1)Pecan Butterscotch

2) Choc Indulgence (my favorite)


3) Red Velvet

4) White Choc Macadamia


he didn’t stay long because not one at home at that moment. So not nice la we sit together alone. He just taste a bite of all cakes and take sip of white coffee (old town Nescafe). One thing that make me respect Mr.Khairul, because he know how to respect others (especially women), some guy don’t.


“Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it.”― George Carlin



Event 2013

Hi all, morning. Is been rough week for me. I didn’t sleep well. For more accurate, I didn’t even sleep from last Friday. Arghhhh so sleepy. Today i been at office around 6.00am in the morning. Super tired. Before coming here I already take a sip of coffee and lepaking at MCD.

Today, opening of GPEC 2013 (General Police Exhibition Conference) @ PICC (Putrajaya International Convention Center). I come here because our company dealing with M***, I just come prepare some goodies and other stuff for our company staff.

Photo: GPEC@ Putrajaya International Convention Centre day 1

Lepak at PICC Cafe & Restaurant. Perghhh costing enuff, just for breakfast: RM34.50. You just get one cup of cappuccino and one cup of white coffee (plastic cup weyy). One curry puff and sandwich. If you want to feel living like a brat rich people for a moment, you can come here for breakfast. Plus the view of Putrajaya was nice especially at night.